Updated: September 16, 2020
Daryl Justice, Chairman
Donnie K. Smith, Member
TEMA Newsletter, September 1982
Civil Defense Bulletin, Series 82-8/23, Federal Emergency Management Agency,
SUBJECT: Status of FY-83 Appropriations, (also found in TEMA Newsletter, March 1983).
TEMA Newsletter, September-October 1985
EMAT Executive Council minutes, August 1985.
EMAT Executive Council conference records and papers, 1987-1988.
EMAT Executive Council minutes, November 1987 to September 1989
EMAT Executive Council minutes, May 1989
EMAT Listing of officers, 92-93
EMAT Conference Registration Form, 1993
EMAT Executive Council minutes, October 24, 1993
EMAT Executive Board minutes, November 25, 2003
EMAT Executive Board minutes, December 2005 to October 2014.
EMAT Executive Board minutes, August 2005 to April 2008.
TEMA Hazardous Materials Oversight Operations Guide, p. 1, December 1, 2008
EMAT Board of Directors minutes, January 2015 to October 2015.
EMAT Executive Board minutes, 2009-2014.
EMAT Board of Directors minutes, October 2014 to present.
ALKOR An early acronym for the Alcoa-Knoxville-Oak Ridge area that never caught on and is rarely used
CDOA Civil Defense Operational Area
CEMP Certified emergency management professional (the top professional level of an emergency manager established by EMAT to reflect a
person with lengthy service in the field [10 years or more], at least 150 hours of formal professional training, and specific knowledge of
certain technical areas not common to many first responders or the public, e.g., federal emergency operations procedures and
logistics, hazardous materials, recovery, etc.)
CEU Continuing education units (usually describing the conversion of training or classroom time to college credits, most often the study
time required for updates of medical personnel, but spreading to other fields for the same purpose)
CPA Certified public accountant
CSU Columbia State University
CTAS County Technical Assistance Service, an element of UTK
CUSEC Central United States Earthquake Consortium (a pact of 8 states which have banded together to plan for another major earthquake
centered near Missouri)
DOE Department of Energy (the federal agency overseeing nuclear power facilities, but not operating them)
EMA Emergency management agency
EMAT Emergency Management Association of Tennessee (comprised of local emergency management directors and others with emergency
management duties, to include many responders
EMST Emergency management support team (an organization unique to Tennessee built by EMAT to provide expertise to a mayor’s response
to a disaster)
ESF Emergency support function (a field established by the TEMP to ensure that a state agency is placed in charge of a critical area. The
federal government has ESF’s also, but they don’t all match the state ESF’s.)
FAX Facsimile (an outdated transmission system, paper copy)
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FCDA Federal Civil Defense Agency
FEMA Federal emergency management agency
HAZMAT Hazardous materials
HEPACO The acronym is the name of a company in Charlotte, North Carolina, that contracts to clean up hazardous waste spills or releases
ID Identification (usually used as an acronym for identification cards)
IAEM International Association of Emergency Managers
IEMS Integrated Emergency Medical Services
IMT Incident management team (a federally recognized team established to enhance the response to an emergency anywhere in the
nation, also shown as TNAHIMIT and AHIMIT or all hazards)
IPAWS Integrated Public Alert & Warning System, conceived to replace NAWAS, but it has not yet done so
IRS Internal Revenue Service
JFO Joint Field Office (a FEMA headquarters near a disaster to coordinate federal and often state assistance to survivors)
LEMD Local emergency management directors (county or city)
LEPC Local emergency planning committee (an organization required by SARA Title III to protect local communities from hazardous
LPG Liquid propane gas
MTAS Municipal Technical Assistance Service, an element of UTK
NAWAS National Warning System
NCCEM National Coordinating Council of Emergency Managers (an early forerunner of emergency managers who established IAEM in 1998)
NIMS National Incident Management System
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (the organization over the National Weather Service, used interchangeably)
NRF National Recovery Framework
QTH QTH.com (a web hosting company from LaCrosse, Wisconsin)
RFP Request for Purchase, a state procedure required by law for state departments or agencies to begin a purchasing process
SARA Superfund Amendments and Recovery Act, a federal law, usually stated as SARA Title III, which establishes the rules for handling and
managing hazardous materials; also created LEPC’s.
SEOC State Emergency Operations Center (the coordination center for all agencies in a state-level declared emergency in Tennessee,
supported by TEMA)
TARS Tennessee Association of Rescue Squads
TCA Tennessee Code Annotated (state law)
TCDA Tennessee Civil Defense Agency
TCSA Tennessee County Services Association (comprised mostly of mayors, county commissioners, highway superintendents, and other
county employees)
TEMA Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (the mother agency at the state level for emergency management by law, to support and
coordinate state emergency management issues and activities, including preparation and some response, especially nuclear and
other major emergencies and areas not resourced well in counties)
TEMP Tennessee Emergency Management Plan (a plan established by law as a governor’s standing executive order specifying duties and
tasks assigned to specific state and local agencies in the event of a major disaster, implemented by a formal declaration of
emergency. The plan carries the weight of law with penalties for failure to execute in some instances.)
TESAC Tennessee Emergency Services Advisory Council, an early organization to guide emergency organizations, no longer exists
THP Tennessee Highway Patrol
TML Tennessee Municipal League
TNCAT Tennessee Crisis Action Team (an exercise to test the crisis action team, or executive decision-making section, of the SEOC.
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority (a quasi-federal agency built to provide economical electric power to the South, including nuclear facilities,
enhanced flood protection and recreational services)
UTK University of Tennessee-Knoxville (also UT)
VFIS Volunteer Fire Insurance Services (an insurance company based in York, Pennsylvania)
WebEOC Web emergency operations center, a computer program and network developed to manage response and recovery in all types of
disasters. WebEOC has been adopted by TEMA for all state partners in emergencies.
WICAB Wireless Interoperable Communications Advisory Board, a board established by the Governor to improve the network of
communications for emergency responders, eventually determined to be too expensive
WTLEPC West Tennessee Local Emergency Planning Committee
Grammatical rules: County directors are followed by the county in parentheses. If the person is a county representative and is other than the director, a description is provided. Once identified in a meeting, the additional information is not usually repeated.
Editor’s remarks are in italics and are included for clarity and understanding where implied remarks are made.
Any definitions provided above are abbreviated and minimal and may not fully cover all aspects of the acronym.